Healthy Living

Healthy Food Options

Choosing the right food is essential to living a healthy life. You can even prepare these meals and snacks on your own. Here are a few websites containing food options that are not only healthy, but delicious!

Ham, Swiss and Apple Wraps
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Simple Exercises

You can stay healthy and fit by exercising a little each day! Exercising doesn’t have to be dreadful! There are many exercise options out there for you to choose from. Find some that you enjoy! Here are a few examples of exercises that you can do.

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Calories Calculator

With this tool, you can input your information to see how many calories you should consume in a day in order to lose, gain, and maintain your weight! Counting calories is a great way to make you self-aware of how much your daily intake it, making it easier to know how much your body needs.

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BMI Calculator

Body mass index, commonly known as BMI, is a measure of body fat based on both weight and height. Taking one’s BMI helps determine whether you are at a healthy weight or not. On the down side, the BMI calculator does not take muscle mass into account.

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Supplied by BMI Calculator USA

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